For online purchases go to Splodge Store:
Splodgeimages.picfair.com (independent prices apply)
IF you cannot find the image, format, medium that you require, then direct your enquiry to me via email, and I will see what can be done. There are many more archived images than are available on this site, viewing of which is possible upon request.
More peculiar requests or discounts for numerous orders will happily be entertained and discussed further if you'd like to contact me.
To make an enquiry, please visit the contact page and either drop me an email or give me a call.

Alternatively, you can buy mounted and framed prints direct from the Studio or from my stall at local village shows (Prices don't include Post and Packing):
Size Mounted Framed
A4 £30 £85
A3 £60 £130
18x12 £60 £130
Portraits / Commissions
Minimum spend of £120 (which includes £60 sitting fee, and TWO A4 mounted prints). Above this prints etc are charged as listed in 'Prints' section. Also memory stick of 50 images is available at £60.
For more information see the Portraits / Commissions page.